2DPHYS - 2D Materials Engineering and Physics
Our mission is to create new materials and metamaterials that support the need for more energy-efficient, faster and more sustainable technology. Through nanofabrication and computational theory we learn how to program the properties of 2D and other ultrathin materials, and shape their electronic, optical, quantum and ultrafast properties on the atomic scale.

In the 2DPHYS section, experimentalists and theorists collaborate on exploring new properties, phases and opportunities for 2D materials. Our research relies on strong competences in fabrication of advanced 2D material heterostructures and devices and strong expertise in computational modelling and theory.
- Programmable properties and phases: metamaterials, superlattices and heterostructures
- Light matter interaction: new quasiparticles and collective excitations, optical properties on demand, cavities
- Nanoconfined water and gas: nanopores, channels, filters and ionic computation
- Computation: multiscale modelling, non-linear and time-dependent transport
- Applications: filtration, energy storage, memristors and flat optics