



Wunderkammer I

We have created the scientific part of the exhibition “Wunderkammer I” that integrates art and fluid dynamics (see catalog in Danish here and in English here). The exhibition will be on display in fall 2018 and spring 2019 at Esbjerg Art Museum.

Two of the five experimental setups for the Wunderkammer I exhibition and the DTU Physics team. The experiment to explore “Rotating Polygons” is in the front, and the “Drop and Splash Dynamics” visualization setup is in the back. The team is from left to right: Erik Hansen, Anders Andersen, Alexis Duchesne, and Tomas Bohr.

The four experiments on “The Hydraulic Jump”, “The Bathtub Vortex”, “Drop and Splash Dynamics”, and “Rotating Polygons” in action at Esbjerg Art Museum.

Photographs are shown by courtesy of Torben E. Meyer

The exhibition contained videos based on the experiments created by Barbara Bohr.
They can be seen here:
The hydraulic jump: 
The bathtub vortex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ4xXo4CftQ
Drop dynamics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pomq7950kwA&t=7s
Rotating polygons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPlR7DS7lg0
Floating objects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8SDr6TRE3U

An additional picture show can be found herehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/2x104sil16riz7s/TheShapeOfFlowingWater.pdf?dl=0

In November 2018, we won a place in “Gallery of Fluid Motion” at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics annual conference.
It can be seen here  https://gfm.aps.org/meetings/dfd-2018/5b992d40b8ac31610362f452

Popular science articles


Quantum physics dropwise

T. Bohr
Nature Physics 14, 209-210 (2018) (pdf)

Forskning på tværs af faggrænser

T. Kiørboe, A. Andersen og T. Bohr
Aktuel Naturvidenskab 1, 44-48 (2014) (pdf)

Bathtub physics - Back scatter

Images submitted by K. Haaning and A. Andersen
Physics Today, October, page 88 (2014) (pdf)


T. Kiørboe og A. Andersen
Weekendavisen 19, Ideer, 8-9 (2013)

"Japansk" viftestrømning og hvirveldannelse i en sæbefilm
A. Andersen, T. Bohr, T. Schnipper og L. Tophøj
Kvant 22 (1), 10-12 (2011) (pdf)

Badekarshvirvlens anatomi

A. Andersen, T. Bohr, B. Stenum, J. Juul Rasmussen, B. Lautrup og M. Ernebjerg
Naturens Verden 87 (7/8), 28-33 (2004)

Famous Experiment Dooms Alternative to Quantum Weirdness

Natalie Wolchover
Quanta Magazine, (2018) (link)

Farvel til en gammel drøm

Henrik Prætorius
Weekendavisen 29, 12-13 (2015) (pdf)

Hvorfor vokser træerne ikke ind i himlen?

Kaare Hartvig Jensen og Tomas Bohr
Weekendavisen 30, Ideer, 4-5 (2013) (pdf)