DTU Physics
Department of Physics
In MAGNET, we make and study new materials based on magnetic nanoparticles by combine synthesis with material characterization and modelling
Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials is one of the core research foci of MAGNET section.
Studies of high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors are conducted in collaboration with University of Copenhagen, the Paul Scherrer Institute and University of Zürich.
MAGNET has three in-house laboratories that enable us to do research and provide the optimal environment for students
MAGNET is leading the construction of the BIFROST spectrometer at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden.
Two software packages McStas (Neutrons) and McXtrace (X-rays) are designed to simulate any and all neutron and X-ray scattering instruments and experiments.
Ongoing PhD projects at MAGNET