
The aim of the LUMPHYS Section is to:
- carry out fundamental and applied research in neutronics, luminescence physics and dosimetry
- develop instruments in support of radiation physics research and applications at DTU and world-wide
- provide graduate, PhD-level and continuing education for professionals
Our research supports the development of sustainable nuclear energy, neutron scattering experiments for materials science, and applications of luminescence dosimetry in geo- and archaeo-chronology and in climate research.
We develop and manufacture instrumentation for luminescence research, including the versatile Risø TL/OSL reader that is pivotal to our own basic research in retrospective dosimetry and to many other laboratories around the world.
LUMPHYS has unique experimental facilities for luminescence physics research, including laboratories for retrospective dosimetry equipped with a large number of TL/OSL readers, gamma spectrometers, low-level beta counters, a micro x-ray fluorescence system and a cryogenic luminescence research facility.
LUMPHYS is hosting the Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence dating (NLL), a joint facility between DTU and Aarhus University.
LUMPHYS welcomes collaborative projects and is annually accommodating 10-15 guest researchers to use our research facilities and to interact with our researchers and technical staff.
We are located at the DTU Risø Campus, near Roskilde.