DTU Tokamak
The device is the first Tokamak experiment at DTU and will contribute to the understanding of plasma dynamics with the ultimate goal of harvesting the clean energy of fusion power.

The Spherical Tokamak NORTH is a small tokamak device installed at DTU during the fall 2018 with first plasma in the March 2019. The tokamak project is a collaboration between DTU and the British company Tokamak Energy who constructed the device in Oxfordshire.
Technical specifications of NORTH
The NORTH tokamak is a small scale tokamak with a radius of 25 cm and a central magnetic field up to 0.3 T. The plasma is heating using two 3 kW magnetrons operating at 2.45 GHz. Presently, only few diagnostic are installed on the device. The goal is to equip the device with plasma diagnostics in order to measure density, temperature and general wave propagation during 2019 and start a dedicated research program in late 2019 or early 2020. The aim is to involve the students at DTU to construct palsma diagnostics and to assist in the operation of the device.
The device is presently located in the basement of DTU building 309.
Stefan Kragh Nielsen Professor, Section leader Mobile: +45 23674489 skni@fysik.dtu.dk