The 6th Summer school on quantum and non-linear optics (QNLO) was held in August 2012 at Sandbjerg Estate.
The 6th Summer School on quantum and nonlinear optics (QNLO) welcomes students from all over the world. The objective of the summer school is to introduce the participants to modern and very hot topics of quantum and nonlinear optics with emphasis on quantum information and quantum metrology.
We have gathered a list of internationally known experts with complementary backgrounds in the theoretical and experimental aspects of QNLO. Along a steep learning curve, the invited experts will present a span of lectures from basic concepts to cutting edge research. The school therefore offers high-level and intense training of the foundations and current frontiers in QNLO with strong focus on quantum information and metrology.
The summer school is intended to advanced graduate students with a basic background knowledge in quantum and non-linear optics. The number of participants is restricted to 60.
The summer school will take place in August 25-31, 2012 at the old castle, Sandbjerg Estate, in the beautiful settings of southern Denmark.
Dorte's photos from the Summer School - see here
The cost of the summer school is Euro 1,000 which includes lodging, food and tuition. Please note that the deadline for registration is August 10, 2012.
Please also note that PhD students can be credited 5.0 ECTS credits for their successful participation in all tutorials.
At the summer school, the following topics will be discussed:
Confirmed speakers:
Organizing committee
Secretary and contact:
Dorte Glass
Sponsored by:

SAOT Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Technologies
Q-Essence Integrating Project

University of Copenhagen
Niels Bohr Institute