
The section on Quantum Physics and Information Technology (QPIT) is at the Department of Physics, at the Technical University of Denmark.

Our research is focused on the engineering of quantum systems of light and matter for applications in ultra-sensitive measurements and quantum information processing. The work is at the interface between quantum optics, nano- and micro-fabrication, nano-photonics, solid state engineering and cryogenic technology. The section also strongly benefits from fruitful interaction with a number of national and international research groups, besides being part of the three centers bigQCBQS and Biomag.

You can learn about our projects and collaboration network on the Orbit profile of QPIT or the individual Orbit profiles of the QPIT faculty members:

Find us

We are located in building 307, 2nd floor at DTU Lyngby Campus. 

Department of Physics
Fysikvej, Building 307
Technical University of Denmark
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

For inquiries, please contact section leader Ulrik Lund Andersen, administrator Adaleta Dozo or senior project manager Tobias Junicke.