NORTH Tokamak and Plasma Laboratory
At PPFE, we host the NORTH (NOrdic Research Tokamak Hub) facility, which is a small spherical tokamak and the only tokamak in Scandinavia. The NORTH research strategy consists of three paths:
- to study plasma-wave interactions with a focus on non-linear wave dynamics
- to study plasma turbulence
- to develop and mature plasma diagnostics.
A large fraction of these activities is driven by student projects, and the device is strongly integrated in the teaching activities at PPFE.
More info on NORTH can be found at
Our laboratory also hosts
- The DTU Fusor, an experiment for research and student projects with electrically confined fusion plasmas (read more about Research/Student collaboration - In Danish)
- A linear plasma device

Stefan Kragh Nielsen Professor, Section leader Mobile: +45 23674489
Jesper Rasmussen Senior Researcher Mobile: +45 24651134