For Companys
By entering an Industrial PhD project with a candidate your company can receive support for solving specific issues and developing projects etc. and be admitted to professional research knowledge and competence at a high level.
What is an Industrial PhD project?
It is cooperation between the Industrial PhD Student, the company and DTU concerning a research project which is often assigned by the company. The Industrial PhD Student is employed by the company on a permanent basis with salary during the whole period with support from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education which the company apply for before the project starts.
The Industrial PhD Student’s working hours are divided equally between the company and DTU which both provides supervisors and in this way see too that the student get a good basis for creating usable results of high research related quality.
What does the company obtain by entering Industrial PhD cooperation?
- Theoretical based knowledge at a high professional level which can contribute to increase efficiency, productivity etc.
- Sole rights to the results the Industrial PhD Student gain.
- Access to and network in the research environment.
In recent years, the PhD School at DTU Physics has had PhD students in collaboration with:
- Haldor Topsøe A/S
- Kjærulff Pedersen A/S
- Teknologisk institut
- Aquaporin A/S
- Novo Nordisk A/S.